Dr. Zornitta is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in treating PTSD and trauma disorders. Providing telehealth services to individuals in over 40 U.S. states/jurisdictions.
In Person & Video Telehealth Sessions
Dr. Zornitta is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in treating PTSD and trauma disorders. Providing telehealth services to individuals in over 40 U.S. states/jurisdictions.
In Person & Video Telehealth Sessions
Ms. Rose is a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in trauma, anxiety, and OCD. To view availability and schedule a free consultation, please visit: https://meetmonarch.com/therapist/mary-kay-rose-newport-news-va
Video Telehealth Sessions Only
Dr. Shovlin is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, who specializes in the treatment of trauma for First Responders, Military, and Health Care Workers.
Video Telehealth Sessions Only
Ms. Shank is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Trauma Specialist. To view availability and schedule a free consultation, please visit: https://meetmonarch.com/therapist/alyssa-shank-newport-news-va
Video Telehealth Sessions Only